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Showing posts with the label working of cryptography

Cryptographic Security

Cryptography . . .   C ryptography the use of codes or ciphers to protect the secrecy of a message or data or any short of communication between two parties or a group of people.The history of cryptography began way back in the medieval period where messages were carved in caves in a way that it was readable to only those who had access to the codes or who knew what those symbols mean. Cryptography has traveled a long journey from   Classic Cryptography   using pen and paper to solving complex mechanical encryption such as the Enigma Rotor Machine .  How Cryptography works? T he modern cryptography or encryption over data is achieved by using algorithms ( cryptographic algorithms are designed to convert letters or numbers or words or any kind of data into an encrypted/decrypted form using a specific key ) . In this algorithm method ,the sender has an algorithm the sender feeds some data to the encryption algorithm as an input and then the sender sets...