Cryptography the use of codes or ciphers to protect the secrecy of a message or data or any short of communication between two parties or a group of people.The history of cryptography began way back in the medieval period where messages were carved in caves in a way that it was readable to only those who had access to the codes or who knew what those symbols mean. Cryptography has traveled a long journey from Classic Cryptography using pen and paper to solving complex mechanical encryption such as the Enigma Rotor Machine.
How Cryptography works?
The modern cryptography or encryption over data is achieved by using algorithms (cryptographic algorithms are designed to convert letters or numbers or words or any kind of data into an encrypted/decrypted form using a specific key) . In this algorithm method ,the sender has an algorithm the sender feeds some data to the encryption algorithm as an input and then the sender sets a key(decided between both the sender and the receiver)and then the algorithm outputs an encrypted version of the data, the encrypted data is then send via the web to the receiver, now the receiver feeds the decryption algorithm the encrypted data as an input enters the key which was decided between the sender and the receiver and the decryption algorithm outputs the decrypted data.
What is the use of such Cryptographic system?
This digital age comes with a lot of benefits as well as with the same amounts of risks too. Once we are out in the web or online our presence in the internet or the web is as same as once we are out of our homes in the streets the things we do ,the places we go,people we meet or whatever we do can be monitored by an adversary(so called hackers) if he/she wants to . In such a open web we need a secure system in order to be safe and be protected from the adversary ,this is where cryptography comes into play. Securing the whole internet is not possible as it is a big chain of interconnecting dots or data that increases even as you read . So we instead can secure our data our presence in the online world through cryptographic method, in this form the data itself is not transferred but it's the encrypted data that travels here and there .In this method even if the adversary get access to the data it is nothing more than gibberish to him/her.unless the adversary has the key.
"Security is always excessive until it's not enough."
Robble Sinclair
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