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Cryptocurrency: A Boon or a Bane

Cryptocurrencies . . .     A topic we all love to talk about and the topic we know the least about as basically it is the news nowadays cryptocurrencies news. Well it is bitcoin for most, for some even Ethereum ( Ether ), but do we actually know since the very start of Bitcoin in 2009, over 7,000 different variants of cryptocurrencies have been created.   S o, what is this cryptocurrency and why is it a topic to talk about? Well simply saying cryptocurrency is no different than the form of currency that we use but in the case of cryptocurrency it is not specific to a nation or a continent it can be used anywhere and everywhere through the internet  ( might be too early to say that but yeah ) , the basic reason for the boom in the cryptocurrency market is due to the fact it is a decentralized currency wherein each and every transaction is stored in a distributed ledger ( Blockchain ). And there is no central authority governing its issue and transactions. ...

Data Analysis

Data Analysis . . . D ata Analysis in simple words is a method in which we collect data with the goal of discovering some useful information, informing conclusions, and which can support decision making. For example: when we want to book a flight from one place to another we go to many different websites of different flight companies or booking sites we gather data we see and then analyse their comfort ,their flight duration ,their prices ( this is data analysis ) and we come to a decision from the data we gathered ( this is decision making ) this is the same process as we first gather data we then analyse the data and we make a decision . What kind of Information? I nformation can be of many forms as to what we search ,what type of content we like or we watch ,places we visit ,our photos ,and everything the internet knows about us . What is the threat through data analysis? D ata Analysis is done by bigger companies as well as smaller companies and also each and...

Cryptographic Security

Cryptography . . .   C ryptography the use of codes or ciphers to protect the secrecy of a message or data or any short of communication between two parties or a group of people.The history of cryptography began way back in the medieval period where messages were carved in caves in a way that it was readable to only those who had access to the codes or who knew what those symbols mean. Cryptography has traveled a long journey from   Classic Cryptography   using pen and paper to solving complex mechanical encryption such as the Enigma Rotor Machine .  How Cryptography works? T he modern cryptography or encryption over data is achieved by using algorithms ( cryptographic algorithms are designed to convert letters or numbers or words or any kind of data into an encrypted/decrypted form using a specific key ) . In this algorithm method ,the sender has an algorithm the sender feeds some data to the encryption algorithm as an input and then the sender sets...

Working of the web.

Understanding the Web How the Web works? N ow for many of us it is quite simple as to getting on to the phone opening the browser and there you are connected to the digital world of the web or the internet, well it is somewhat true and most of us don't even bother to think much but there is a lot of things going on under the hood of those beautiful interface of our browsers.Being in a digital age and being connected to the web gives us a lot of power and as we all know with great power comes great responsibilities. Cyber threats have always been a big concern for everyone and being secure is what we all want so the proper understanding of the web is needed as for the first step towards security.So lets see what really happens under the hood when we search something on the web: We open the browser, we type in the URL(website name/whatever we want to search). The website name is saved in the history cache of the browser (according to our browser settings ,if in incognito m...

Privacy and Confidentiality

Differences Privacy : Basically the term privacy refers to keeping your information yours or limiting it to close family or your friends or your contacts,  Whereas on the other hand,  Confidentiality: talks about that a subjects information will stay a secret but this time from the perspective of the person receiving that information.  For example : on any social media platform we tend to share our information to limited or specific people or groups that is a matter of privacy concerns, but the same when it is about our passwords, our biometrics, our messages ,ATM pins, CVV these are all confidential information. These are some basic terms but play a vital role in our everyday lives , we all need privacy we don't want anyone sniffing our day to day activities we all want our space and that's the reason why being secure not just online but offline too is needed. Because privacy is not just  what we demand for its a right we all have. #RightToPrivacy ...


Cyber Security One of the most fundamental terms used by many practiced by none. We often use this heavy term to designate ourselves with the modern growing digital world.  Every single device in today's world is related to our lives one way or the other each of these devices know our day to day activities as they make our lives simpler as for example we often use Google Maps to find our way around day to day ,we use certain apps that manage our daily activities as they keep a track of our activities on daily basis. Now comes a bitter part if an intruder or maybe someone else get a hand on these apps identifying them as you gets to know everything that app knows about you everything from morning to evening, where we stay ,what we watch , what we do, our credit card details and many more.  In this digital age things have been a bit easier no doubt but at a big risk . Being secure in the digital age is very essential .Being a part of this day to day digital age we ha...