Cyber Security One of the most fundamental terms used by many practiced by none. We often use this heavy term to designate ourselves with the modern growing digital world. Every single device in today's world is related to our lives one way or the other each of these devices know our day to day activities as they make our lives simpler as for example we often use Google Maps to find our way around day to day ,we use certain apps that manage our daily activities as they keep a track of our activities on daily basis. Now comes a bitter part if an intruder or maybe someone else get a hand on these apps identifying them as you gets to know everything that app knows about you everything from morning to evening, where we stay ,what we watch , what we do, our credit card details and many more. In this digital age things have been a bit easier no doubt but at a big risk . Being secure in the digital age is very essential .Being a part of this day to day digital age we ha...